This Sunday is the Davis Stampede 10k and Half Marathon. I have registered for the 10k race, hoping to clock a decent time in order to place in an early wave for the Memorial Day Bolder Boulder 10k run (otherwise one could be smashed among the almost 50,000 runners who congregate for this celebratory event in Boulder, Colorado). I registered for the Bolder Boulder these past two Mays, hoping my training would surpass my chronic injuries, only to withdraw because of biting pain. So I try once again, determined not to be overcome by history but to enjoy the present and anticipate a future where running remains a significant part of my life.
This morning’s run on the Sonoma bike trail passed the Sebastiani winery and historic vineyards (1825), the Sonoma Depot Museum, the driveway to General Vallejo’s house (mid-1800s), and neighborhoods with lovely craftsman-style homes. My training schedule called for an “easy” run; all the running books, blogs and opinions remind us to RUN SLOWLY when the plan calls for it even if the body wants to splurge ahead in joy and lightness. I am following this plan religiously, alternating running days with cross-training (or as I’d rather call it, bicycle riding, swimming or hiking, exquisite activities in and of themselves, not merely the “me to” of running). The goal for me is to be able to continue to run even if my hamstrings are never quite what they once were, so I meter out the running days with these other activities. I wish I could run whenever I wanted but I can’t. I must be satisfied with the soupcon of running that is allowed to me.
Heavy rain and winds are forecast for Sunday’s race. I don’t mind running in rain but the wind makes for very unpleasant conditions, especially in Davis where headwinds can stop us in our tracks. Some external forces cannot be predicted so I’ll be prepared with plenty of foam roller activity and hydration, then see what the weather has in store for us. I can always withdraw and save the run for another day (and as for Bolder Boulder, the back waves may not be so bad!).
[Old iron fence at Sebastiani Winery, Sonoma, California]