Titbits “Milk Maid,” by Glory Gale (www.thegalery.com)
We attended Glory’s pop-up art show in Los Angeles on Saturday night. She’s taking this year to delve into and make more real her artistic endeavors. Her first exhibit was “Titbits,” a celebration of the original women of burlesque. Her work is unique, whimsical, and charming. The detail of the various titbits (pasties in a frame) is amazing, tiny cards, flowers, milk cans, birdcages, etc. Angelyne, one of LA’s original call girls stopped by in her pink corvette, as if stepping out from an old scene from a 1950s movie, shorts, skinny top, platinum blond hair, bright-red lipstick, and the requisite male assistant. Somehow she has taken Glory under her wing, so to speak, in introducing her to the world of burlesque and possible purchasers of this phase of Glory’s art.
We met so many of Alex and Glory’s friends, of whom we’d heard about for years and so enjoyed their compliments on our son’s creativity and genuine friendship. Very proud parents, needless to say, and glad that Glory is getting some recognition. She has lots of ideas and we look forward to seeing them come to fruition.