I so enjoyed reading the posts and seeing the pictures of friends’ mothers and friends as mothers these past few days, celebrating women in our lives!
I thought of my mother, who passed away two years ago, as I walked around Boulder, the last place she visited before she could no longer travel. Her soul lives within me each and every day.
I beamed as both my sons called to update me on their days, their families, and their lives (Alex and Glory leaving today for three weeks in Portugal for their belated honeymoon, job promotions, and new summer gigs, and Christopher, Kate and Solomon having three weeks left in Washington, DC, as he finishes his fellowship at the Center for Hellenic Studies).
I was here alone as Doug was with his mother and family in California (he had pre-arranged a long bicycle ride in Sonoma with a friend this weekend). He sent the standard flower arrangement, welcome and brightening for my kitchen table.
I read an article (so funny but I must vouch that it hits true) about “grandmother hormones” as I thought about this past year as “PB” (aka “grandma”) to now one-year-old Solomon. This truly has been a shining time in my life.
How fortunate so many of us are and have been with mothers who were/are role models, strong, independent women who also gave so much of their heart and time to raising us children. And those of us who are more than fortunate to have children and grandchildren to whom we would give every ounce of our being, if necessary.
We don’t need to physically be together–although I would have loved that–and we don’t need to celebrate mothers (and fathers) on any particular day. Sunday was only a reminder of what we have and what so many do not.
Mom and us five kids c. 1955