Welcome to Georgetown!
Another adventure in our lives officially started on Monday, October 21. Doug began a new job in the health care/technology field (his two passions). The company is based in Georgetown (yes, Washington, DC). We’ll split time between there and Boulder, our primary residence. We’ve rented a flat in an iconic 1880s’ renovated stone house (with turret!), our city “pied à terre” (as Christopher calls it), quite a change from our modern home with Flatiron Mountain views in Colorado.
Historic 1880’s home!
I’m anxious, nervous, and excited to start this new chapter: I hope to keep involved with my friends, book club, and philanthropic work here in Colorado while exploring the East Coast (we did live in New York City during our first years of married life) and the rich cultural heritage of Washington DC.
Majestic Lincoln Memorial
We’ll be a little more than a three-hour drive to our grandchildren, probably the best part of this cross-country adventure. I miss being able to easily stop by and help when Christopher and Kate are swamped with work or traveling to conferences, to see the littles hit milestones (Lydia is walking!), to ride bicycles with Solomon, to read one more book (or several, more typically the case). And, of course, the hugs and night-time snuggles.
Walkway to Rock Creek Park, near Washington Harbour
A few long-ago friends from high school and my junior college year at Durham University, England, live in the greater DC area, the beginnings of a community. I have a writing class planned to kick-start my next (still vague) project. I am making lists of museums and memorials to visit (the Library of Congress is high on the list) and vetting trails to run and bike. I imagine sitting in the sun near the round window of our Georgetown home, reading books, soaking in this new life, watching the buzz of this historic place.
Friends and family think we’re a little crazy, but then they recall our peripatetic life to date. As Doug says, “Well, we haven’t lived in DC,” when asked about this choice. Being able to travel between my anchor in Boulder and the West will help ease the transition.
New places to run: C&O canal and towpath.
This new chapter will likely have ups and downs that I haven’t yet considered. There’ll be times when we’re in Georgetown that I’ll miss something or someone in Boulder and vice versus. The back and forth will favor the airlines and probably disrupt my sleep. Yet, why not? The boys are grown, Doug loves what he does, I have flexibility to be in two amazing places, and hope to have more stories to tell. Wish me luck🙂